A career in dentistry in the United States is a very rewarding path for an international dentist or student, although it may be rather challenging to embark on.

Understanding the Pathways

There are various pathways through which foreign dentists can have a license to work in the U.S. With every step, there are several requirements, benefits, and problems.

Critical Steps of the Licensure Process

The pathway to licensure in dentistry in the U.S. involves some steps, including:

1. Credential Appraisal 2. English Competency 3. National Board Dental Examination

4. Clinical Licensing Examinations 5. Visa and Immigration Considerations 6. State Licensure

This will involve a huge financial investment on the part of one looking to pursue his dental career in the U.S.

Financial Considerations

You need only lots of perseverance and the right approach, and easily you can fulfill your dream of practicing dentistry in the United States.
